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2 Answers

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Everybody has the same time, but if you think, that your oponent has more, it is probably caused by server response and his timing will start few seconds after your move.

Also you have more time, if you have cue ball in your hand.
by (6.1k points)
edited by
It´s not true!!! Some players have much more time than other ones... I would like to know why...
Like I said, it is not true, please, read it again
My server is really fast!!! Allways in a hurry!!!...That´s why i loose so often...
This is not true, your tellin methat after I watch the blue bar go doen to zero and the watch the other player move and adjust and then shoot all while time has run out and then some of them go "he he".
  I love this game but not when you have to pay against peoplr with an unfail advantage. Such as the fallowing.
  Ryan 1393566955 shamaon cue 8 sec delay after blue bar runs down
  Victor 1121983313 classic cue 6 sec delay and able to move and position after time has run down...I have 10 more examples
and it goes on and on I have many more (no life)
0 votes
You can purchase cues that allow extra time.
by (320 points)
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