+2 votes
I have a picture on my main profile avatar.  But when playing pool my avatar is blank and I cannot get a picture on it.  When I go to settings the web cam comes on, but I cant get it to snap a picture.  Please help!  Thanks.
in Online Games by

3 Answers

0 votes
Hello, you must go on miniclip.com and login with the same username and password like in pool. In Settings you can change avatar.
by (6.1k points)
I did and didn't work still
Didn't work for my ipad either
Same thing with me
me too no pic
0 votes
this my same problem i connect 8 ball pool on my facebook it is not showing profile picture there is blank before 1 month
0 votes
2 years after and this is still a problem. Miniclip, you should post a solution to this or apply a fix.
by (40 points)
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